If the linker reports the error message "relocation overflow," check whether the project uses the-fpic option. 如果链接器报告错误消息“relocationoverflow”,请检查该项目是否使用了-fpic选项。
To avoid any division by zero or overflow, transform all division into multiplication and check for the sign ( horizontal lines with Y2= Y1 do not count in the algorithm) 要避免任何数与0相除或溢出,将所有除法转换为乘法并检查运算符号(Y2=Y1的水平线不会计入算法)
The sample program does not check for EVENT_OVERFLOW since it specifies an INFO_LVL of1 and uses the default buffer size of4K. 示例程序并不检查EVENTOVERFLOW,因为它指定INFOLVL为1并使用默认缓冲区大小4K。
The paper discusses and analyzes the principle, main factors of stack and array overflow and its harm to the system resulted from that the C/ C~ (++) do not check whether the array and pointer boundary overflow. 详细讨论和分析了由于C/C++语言不进行数组和指针的边界越界检查造成缓冲区、堆栈溢出的原理、要素、以及对系统造成的危害。
Internet Data Center ( IDC) of the computer room environmental parameters or abnormal alarm, such as: temperature, humidity, illumination, a server alarm and air conditioning water overflow condition monitoring, must rely on duty personnel on-site inspection to check the records of timing. 网络数据中心(IDC)机房内的环境参数或异常告警如:温度、湿度、照明、服务器报警和空调溢水等情况的监测,必须要靠值守人员定时到现场巡检才能查看记录。